What are the best appetite suppressants? If you are trying to lose weight or you have tried and failed in the past, you will be aware hunger pangs can be a big problem. In fact, those tortuous cravings for food are one of the main reasons dieters throw their good intentions to the wind and call it a day.
When it comes to losing weight, there is no disgrace in needing a little extra help. Appetite suppressants provide that help by quieting rumbling stomachs and making it easier to make do with less food.
There are two main kinds of appetite suppressants: prescription only and over-the-counter. All of the prescription options are known to cause side effects.
Many of the best over-the-counter appetite suppressants do not and all of the ones in the list below are known to be very good for suppressing the appetite. They are produced by reputable companies, have excellent customer reviews, and even come with a money back guarantee.
The 5 Best Appetite Suppressing Supplements
PhenQ – appetite suppressant, fat burner and fat blocker
PhenQ is an all-in-one weight loss solution that boast impressive appetite suppressing capabilities and also supports weight loss by blocking fat absorption, accelerating fat burning, and providing dieters with support in every way they are likely to need.
The product has only been available for a few years but it has proved to be so good it’s taken the world by storm. It’s already helped over 190,000 people to lose weight and no other diet pill has ever gathered so many good reviews in such a short space of time.
The appetite suppressing ability of PhenQ is enforced by a number of good ingredients, but the main one is nopal cactus extract.
In the days before diet pills were invented, Indian tribesmen used to chew on chunks of nopal because they found it was effective for taking away the hunger cravings that could be such a big distraction while they were out hunting for food. Nopal is doubly beneficial for weight loss because it’s also a proven fat blocker.
Click here to see what customers say about PhenQ
Gravitate Supersculpt – appetite suppressant with glucomannan
Supersculpt provides glucomannan. There are no other active ingredients in the capsules, but they are intended to be used in conjunction with a secondary product, called DietVits, that provides dieters with nutritional support and helps keep them in tip-top shape.
Glucomannan is a water-soluble fiber that comes from the roots of a plant called elephant yam.
When it comes into contact with water, glucomannan soaks it up like a sponge and the fibers expand to form a gel.
When this happens in the stomach it suppresses the desire for food.
There’s a lot of scientific data that proves glucomannan works and it’s ability to suppress the appetite is endorsed by health officials at the European Food Safety Authority.
See more info about Gravitate Supersculpt here
Phen375 – dual action appetite suppressant and fat burner
Phen375 is a Phentermine substitute intended to reduce hunger without casing side effects. Customer reviews show it more than lives up to its design intent because many former Phentermine users say Phen375 works best. This is not surprising because Phen375 also boosts the metabolism and helps you to burn fat, but Phentermine is not designed to do work in this way.
The appetite suppressing ability of Phen375 is provided by several ingredients, including cayenne pepper, citrus aurantium, and L-Carnitine. The first two are also known to be powerful fat burners and L-Carnitine is an appetite suppressant that’s good for preventing fatigue.
More on Phen375 by clicking here
Proactol XS – appetite suppressant and fat binder
Proactol XS is a diet pill that that provides chitosan. It lowers the daily calorie intake by absorbing dietary fats inside the stomach and preventing them from being digested.
There are two kinds of chitosan used in diet pills. One is sourced from marine-living crustaceans like shrimp and crabs. The other is taken from a species of fungus (aspergillus niger mycelium). Proactol XS contains the second type.
The compound that forms when chitosan and fat combine has a filling effect and its presence in the digestive organs creates a feeling of satiety that suppresses the desire for food. Customer reviews confirm this product’s value both as an appetite suppressant and a fat blocker. So, if you are still getting a little too much fat in your diet, Proactol XS could be the best option. If you are a vegan or vegetarian, it should be right up your street as well.
Phentaslim – appetite suppressant and workout diet pill
Phentaslim assists weight loss in a number of ways, but its generally most praised for its abilities as an appetite suppressant and fat burner. Its sold alongside the promise “hitting your weight loss goals doesn’t get any easier than this”, and over 101,000 customer reviews suggest that it’s true, so who are we to argue?
The Phentaslim formulation contains 15 well-selected ingredients, several of which have appetite suppressing capabilities, but cayenne probably offers the most power. The capsaicin it provides has proven hunger curbing abilities and also has excellent credentials as a fat burner.
Click to read more on Phentaslim here