Purple Chrysanthemum – can it really help you lose weight

woman taking diet pillsResearchers in Korea have discovered extracts taken from a species of purple chrysanthemum (aster spathulifolius maxim) can help adult dieters to lose half a stone in just 12 weeks. That’s four times as fast as many weight loss drugs and there is no need for dieters to make drastic changes to their eating habits or maintain a stringent exercise regimen. Only one tablet is required per day and there does not appear to be any side effects.

Aster spathulifolius Maxim can be found growing wild in many regions of the Far East and is often eaten as a cheap vegetable in Korea. Earlier studies suggest extracts taken from the flower may also have the ability to offer protection against the flu virus, diabetes, and tumour growth, so the Aster spathulifolius Maxim purple chrysanthemum appears to be as versatile as it is colourful.

The weight loss study was conducted at Kyung Hee University. Earlier trials conducted on rats had produced positive results and the researchers wanted to see if the plant extract would be similarly effective on humans. The data they gathered confirmed the ingredient’s potential and the study results were published earlier this year in Nutrition Research.

The researchers selected 41 volunteers (male and female). All of them were classed as clinically obese in Asia (BMI 23-30). The volunteers had an average height of 5′ 6″ and weighed in at 12 stone. The average waist measurement was 38″ at the beginning of the study.

Purple Chrysanthemum weight lossThe volunteers were split into two groups and each group was given advice about healthy eating, but instructed not to make any changes to their normal diet or level of physical activity. The members of the first group (21 people) were provided with tablets that contained extracts taken from aster spathulifolius maxim purple chrysanthemum. The second group (20 people) were given tablets that provided a placebo. Daily calorie intake was monitored throughout the study and found to be similar in both groups.

At the completion of the study the placebo group failed to show any marked difference in BMI, weight, or waistline measurements. This was not the case with the group that received aster spathulifolius maxim.

Each group member had:

  • Typically lost over 7 pounds in weight
  • Decreased their BMI from 27 to 26
  • Reduced their waist measurement by 2 ½” or more

These figures suggest the compound is more powerful than the weigh loss drugs that are presently available. The fact that the volunteers who received purple chrysanthemum did not report any side effects is also a noteworthy point because all of the popular weight loss drugs of today carry the risk of side effects. Phentermine is so problematic its use requires constant medical supervision and its addictive nature means its use has to be restricted to a maximum period of three months. The prescription drug Orlistat is also renowned for its side effects, which can include stomach cramps and liver damage.

According to the researchers in Korea, less than 5% of dieters choose to use prescription drugs and they suggest this may be due to concerns about sided effects and/or the cost of the medication. The researchers are also very confident about the plant extract’s ability to support weight loss without causing side effects and state the results suggest it is “a promising and efficacious food supplement for the management of obesity.”

Although there seems to be a little confusion about the exact processes involved, the researchers suspect purple chrysanthemum’s weight loss enhancing ability could be because it contains chlorogenic acid. This is certainly a point worth considering because chlorogenic acid is also the key ingredient in one of the most respected fat burning ingredients of the present time—green coffee bean extract.

Levels of obesity are growing on a worldwide scale, so the fact that the National Obesity Forum has taken an interest in purple chrysanthemum’s abilities should come as no surprise.

National Obesity Forum spokesman Tam Fry said: “Pills to allow you to drop dress sizes are two-a-penny and it is the foolhardy that believe the hype without due caution. But because the ingredient is natural there just might be something in it.”

Judging by the information available, aster spathulifolius maxim purple chrysanthemum could be a valuable ally in the fight against obesity. Unfortunately, the results of a single study cannot be seen as conclusive proof of its ability or that it will work for everyone, so it will be interesting to see if the results of future clinical trials are equally impressive.

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Blocking The Hunger Hormone Using A New Weight Loss Injection – Bariatric Arterial Embolization

weight loss injection for hunger hormone

Researchers at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, USA are working on a new weight loss procedure called Bariatric Arterial Embolisation that reduces hunger levels by limiting the body’s ability to produce the “hunger hormone” grelin. Early trials have produced promising results and the researches at John Hopkins say the procedure is “minimally invasive” and safe.

What is Grelin?

Grelin is a hormone that is produced in several parts of the body including the brain, pancreas, and small intestine; but most of the body’s grelin comes from an area of the stomach called the fundus (located near the oesophagus).

Grelin performs numerous functions within the body, and has a role to play in the production of growth hormone, but it is generally deemed the “hunger hormone” because it stimulates the appetite. Unfortunately, when people embark on a low calorie diet, in the hopes of losing weight, grelin production increases. This is one of the reasons sticking to a diet can be such hard work.

How Does Bariatric Arterial Embolisation Work?

Bariatric Arterial Embolisation involves injecting microscopic beads into the body. The beads are supplied via a small catheter that is inserted into a small incision in the groin or wrist and the researchers at John Hopkins believe the presence of the beads in the fundus will restrict the supply of blood to the area and this will have a negative effect on grelin production.

Stomach pictures

Clinical Trials

The results of an early study called Bariatric Embolization of Arteries for the Treatment of Obesity (BEAT) were promising.

Seven people (1 man & 6 women) were involved in the study and it ran for duration of six months. All of the study subjects were aged 31 to 50 and had a body mass index (BMI) that was between 40 and 50. The threshold for obesity is 30, so the subjects were severely overweight , but they were in otherwise good health.

The researchers monitored the study group regularly and noted their response to the procedure.

Areas monitored include:

  • Hunger & satiety
  • Grelin levels
  • Weight loss
  • Negative reactions

After three months of treatment the study group showed an average grelin reduction of 17.5%. Hunger levels were monitored by the use of questionnaires and, by this point the average hunger reduction was 26%. However the the amount of hunger reduction experienced in the earlier stages of the study was much higher.

  • 2 weeks: 81%
  • 1 Month: 59%

Future Potential

Although the results of the above study are promising, research is still in the early stages and it is unlikely Bariatric Arterial Embolisation will be approved for use any time soon. However, research at John Hopkins is ongoing and further studies are being conducted at Mount Sinai Health System in New York.

Dr Clifford Weiss, Director of Interventional Radiology Research (Johns Hopkins) believes the treatment has a lot of promise for treating patients who need to lose a significant amount of weight in the short and intermediate term. “We’re excited about the possibility of adding bariatric arterial embolisation as another tool for health care providers to offer patients in the effort to curb this epidemic [obesity],” Weiss stated.

Concluding Thoughts

Women lost weightDr Weiss’ use of the word “epidemic” is very apt because obesity is increasing on a global scale and the world is filled with overweight people who want to lose weight, but consistently fail in their attempts to diet. This is a very unfortunate situation because obesity can lead to numerous health problems including, diabetes, heart attacks, and strokes. This places a tremendous burden on health care systems and figures provided by Public Health England suggest the indirect costs related to the treatment of obese patients may have cost the NHS up to £27 billion in 2015.

Despite the claim that Bariatric Arterial Embolisation is “minimally invasive”, it still does not sound like a particularly pleasant experience, but compared to gastric band surgery and some of the other more extreme weight loss measures that are sometimes used to treat the extremely obese, a small incision in the groin is nothing.

Read about Diet products available on prescription

Best Fat Binders – what are they, what do they do and what is the best one to buy

What are fat bindersThe simplest way to lose weight is to eat a calorie controlled diet and make sure sufficient exercise is taken to burn off all the ingested calories so that the body is forced into fat burning mode to get the energy it needs. Many dieters find this hard to do—hence the availability of so many dieting aids such as fat burners, appetite suppressants, and fat binders etc. Some weight management options are better for certain users. Fat binders are particularly useful to people who obtain most of their excess calories from fatty food.

Xenical is probably the best known fat binder, but its availability is limited. Xenical is a prescription only fat binder, designed to assist the weight management needs of the seriously obese. It blocks about 30% of ingested fat, but doctors usually only prescribe the drug for people who have a body mass index of 30+.

There is no denying Xenical has the power to deliver the goods, but so do many other fat binding products, most of which can be purchased over the counter or direct – one such example is Proactol XS

How Fat Binders Work

Fat binders contain ingredients that have the ability to absorb and bind the fat in food. They are usually manufactured as a capsule and are generally taken up to 30 minutes before eating a meal.

Once the capsule has been swallowed it dissolves in the stomach, allowing the main ingredient(s) to coat the stomach lining. Later, when the food arrives in the stomach, any fat is naturally drawn to the fat binder and becomes absorbed by it. In itself this would not be a particularly useful, but the human digestive system does not function correctly when it comes to fat binders, so they pass through the body untouched. Once the fat has been absorbed the body cannot digest it either so it passes through the body along with the fat binder and is eventually passed with the stool.

Note: The fat binding process affects the fat content only. Other food nutrients are absorbed in the normal way and put to work by the body.

Fat and Weight Gain

Fat and thin bodyFat is a high calorie food, and although young people with super-fast metabolisms and turbo-charged lifestyles may be able to indulge their love of chips and other fat laden foods without issue, most of us are not so lucky. Any extra calories will go straight to the hips, the waist, and other areas to create a little extra unwanted padding.

One gram of fat contains nine calories. A gram of protein or carbohydrate contains less than half this amount so it is easy to understand how eating fatty food can turn a slim Jim into a tubby hubby.

The average man only needs around 2,500 calories a day, and the average woman needs just 2,000 calories. A single Big Mac (no fries) can provide around 500 of those calories and Big Macs are quite mundane when compared with some foods—mayonnaise is often over 75% fat—so it’s all too easy to go overboard on the calories and if the body is treated to too many of them it responds by getting fat. Bearing that in mind it is easy to see why fat binders are such a valuable weight management tool.

Who Uses Fat Binders?

Anyone can use fat binders.

Some people use fat binders as a ‘get out of jail free’ card every time they want to enjoy an unhealthy eating splurge, but a more sensible attitude with a diet that matches can result in impressive weight loss results over a period of time and any results can be improved upon by adding a little extra exercise to the daily regimen.

Fat Binding Ingredients

Several ingredients possess fat binding qualities, but prickly pear (opunita ficus incida) and chitosan are two of the most popular options.

Prickly pear is sourced from a cactus-like succulent plant. Chitosan is traditionally made from the shells of lobsters, crabs, and deep sea shrimp. Alternatively it is possible to manufacture chitosan from the fungus aspergillus niger and this form has proven to be the superior version

Do Fat Binders Cause Side Effects?

Products that contain chitosan sourced from sea-living creatures may not be suitable for people who are allergic to sea food, but most fat binders that have been produced by a reputable manufacturer should be safe to use. Problems will only arise if dubious filler ingredients have been added.

Fat Binder Purchasing Tips

The best fat binding products are:

  • Produced by a reputable manufacture
  • Contain no chemicals or fillers
  • 100% natural
  • Clinically tested

Proactol XS fat binder reviewWe recommend Proactol XS (formally Proactol Plus) – an incredibly effective non prescription slimming pill that has been on the open market for several years.

Proactol XS longevity is its success – one of only a handful of commercial diet pills to be classed as a Medical Device Type II

Read our Proactol XS Review in full here